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  • Writer's pictureKate Decker

Why should hospitals have their concrete washed?

How many sick people visit the hospital each day? We try not to think about it when we visit, and we know that the hospital has lots of cleaning and sanitation protocols for inside the facility. But, what about outside the facility?

Almost anytime you visit a hospital, there are people sitting on benches outside waiting for a ride home, getting some fresh air, or maybe eating a meal before they go inside to visit a loved one. The bottom line is that outside the facility people gather, and anytime you have a high-traffic area, it becomes dirty. Germs can be brought outside, and germs can be brought inside.

Having a regular cleaning schedule for outside the facility and parking garages is an important factor for any business, but especially a hospital! We know that the hospital already houses a population of people who are more vulnerable whether it be from open wounds, compromised immunity, infections, or will leave with healing surgical incisions. We use high pressure steam to sanitize outside surfaces so that patients and visitors have a safe and clean environment to enjoy while they wait to be picked up or take a call on their cell phone to inform their loved ones. Also, don't forget the parking garage! Stairwells tend to accumulate grime and gunk from foot traffic.

Whether it is to improve the appearance or increase the safety of outdoor areas, power washing the concrete, waiting areas, benches, tables, or any other hard surfaces is an easy solution. Contact us today at if you would like to know more.

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