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Frequently Asked Questions


How often should I schedule power washing services?

For high traffic areas, we recommend monthly to quarterly service.  For lower traffic areas, we recommend twice yearly. We can always set up a service schedule and modify it to be more/less frequent depending on your business needs.

For residential, we recommend annually, as needed, or prior to moving out.

Do I need to be present during the power washing service?

For commercial, our service technicians will need access to a water spigot, so if that is in a locked area, we will need to have a key, or someone will need to be present to grant access before we start the service.  We can lock up when we leave, or we can call before we leave to let you know to come back to lock up.

For residential, yes, we request that someone is home during the service. 

Do I need to pay same day, or can I be billed for services?

Payment is expected at the time of service.  However, businesses may request credit terms assuming they can provide credit references.  Reach out to if you have questions about payments.

Can all stains be removed from one cleaning?

Not all stains can be removed with one cleaning.  Concrete and brick are porous materials that absorb stains such as oil, making it very difficult to remove if the spill has had a chance to absorb into the surface.  Many times, these stains can be lightened, but not totally removed with one cleaning.

Do you offer junk removal services?

We are now offering junk removal services for both our residential and commercial customers. We will remove the items, take it to the landfill, recycling center, or donation location (if applicable).  Pricing is determined by how many loads need to be removed, transit costs, and labor.  Call us today for a quote!

Please contact us if your question wasn’t included or addressed in the information provided.

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